
Make a detour

La Maison des Patrimoines, heritage centre

Val-Couesnon (Antrain)

Settled in a timber-framed house dating back fromt he 16th century, la “Maison des Patrimoines ” (House of Heritages) welcome temporary exhibitions about the history and the heritage of Couesnon Marches de Bretagne. All the year, the APPAC association give there informations about the local heritage and support your heritage restoration projets.


Headquarters of the Assocation for the Promotion of the Heritage of the Antrainais and the Coglais (APPAC), this space organise exhibitions regularly and animation all year along (lectures, guided walks…).

It’s a excellent point of departure to visit the charming town of Antrain and its numerous intersting houses and constructions, linked by a heritage circuit (French file).


The Maison des Patrimoine is a Wifi Tourism Point. You can find here touristic leaflets, practical informations for your stay, wifi and an electrical outlet to chage the battery of your phone.


Address : 1 rue de Pontorson – Antrain 35560 VAL-COUESNON
Website :
Contact : Contact by email | +33 (0)2 56 47 53 32


Free access.

Opening hours

Open the Monday to the Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Exposition photo – Le charme de nos villages et de nos campagnes...

La Maison des Patrimoines accueille une nouvelle exposition : "Regard sur… le charme de nos villages et de nos campagnes". A travers le regard d'Ediluz Photographie, photographe professionnelle, déc...